"The Story of a Suicide" by Sriram Ayer is a heart-breaking story of four youngsters Charu, Sam, Mani and Hari whose lives get messed up due to overwhelming feelings of love and betrayal, misunderstanding and revenge. The novel touches upon a sensitive issue - suicidal feelings in teenagers - and I could at once relate to the story because I had myself gone through similar feelings of low a few years back. It's a fact that most teenagers find it hard to deal with problems that life throws at them. They could be related to studies or could be relationships and breakups, misunderstandings in friendships of could be due to family problems. They are usually impatient and so often wish for quick solutions to their problems. They get very depressed and stressed up when they fail to find any and take the drastic step of suicide as a means to end their problems. However death can never be a solution to any problem. Because when someone dies, he or she doesn't die alone, there would be family and friends too who would get devastated. I wish the young guys could think about it before taking the drastic step.
"The Story of a Suicide" is a gripping story and keeps one on the edge of the seat. I finished it in one go though I had to remain awake the whole night but it was fast read, it doesn't bore you at all, Instead the moment you start reading the story, I bet, you will at once get hooked to it. Hari remains depressed and deeply pained from within because he had been a victim of sexual abuse by his own uncle when he was a child, but had been unable to share his sadness with anyone - neither with his immediate family his parents or his sister Anju with whom he was very close. But he finds a close confidant in Mani, his college mate and shares his bitter past with him. He had also never told anyone that he was gay and that he was attracted towards men. So was Mani and they fall in love with each other. Mani too had a sad past, he came from a poor background and had only his mother for family who had faced several hardships while raising him up. Mani was her only hope and she believed that he would one day become very educated and thus would end their problems. However Mani too tries to end his life by hanging himself from the fan in his college room because he was depressed due to his poor grades resulting from his poor English. Although he had been a bright student but he had not studied in English and so was finding it really hard to grasp the subjects. However Charu, his best friend, and their teacher Alex with the help of Sam, manage to save his life. That's how Sam and Charu stumble upon each other for the first time. All four youngsters - Charu, Sam, Hari and Mani study in the same college and Sam and Hari happen to be roommates too. Sam is a tech geek and he had been trying to develop an app named JARVIS just as the one that the movie Iron Man had, with which he could remotely access someone's cellphone or computer. Sam had recently broken up with his schoolmate Priya but he instantly falls in love with Charu right from their first meeting. Charu too loves him, however a misunderstanding between them results in a severe fight. Charu's posting about it on her social profile takes a nasty turn and Sam feels humiliated, he feels like he was used like a napkin by Charu and was thrown away for some other man (Alex sir). The problem with the youngsters of these days is that instead of moving on after a breakup, they keep holding onto their feelings of anger and bitterment. Sam decides to avenge his humiliation and so discreetly sends a trojan to Charu's cell phone through a photo and when she opens it, the trojan gets installed on her phone. Thus Sam is now able to see and hear all that Charu was doing through her mobile phone.
He starts harassing her by posting inappropriate photographs on the internet and so Charu takes the help of Alex sir and his friend who worked with a detective company.
Meanwhile Hari's wound from the past gets severely scratched when Mani literally rapes him like an animal, just the way his uncle used to do. What was really heartbreaking was that the very act gets uploaded on the internet through Charu's mobile phone. Sam's trojan had caused that to happen. Hari's trust had already got shattered by Mani's act but he goes into further depression when his own family disowns him when he reveals to them that he is gay. That proves as the final nail and he commits suicide.
"The Story of a Suicide" is a gripping story and keeps one on the edge of the seat. I finished it in one go though I had to remain awake the whole night but it was fast read, it doesn't bore you at all, Instead the moment you start reading the story, I bet, you will at once get hooked to it. Hari remains depressed and deeply pained from within because he had been a victim of sexual abuse by his own uncle when he was a child, but had been unable to share his sadness with anyone - neither with his immediate family his parents or his sister Anju with whom he was very close. But he finds a close confidant in Mani, his college mate and shares his bitter past with him. He had also never told anyone that he was gay and that he was attracted towards men. So was Mani and they fall in love with each other. Mani too had a sad past, he came from a poor background and had only his mother for family who had faced several hardships while raising him up. Mani was her only hope and she believed that he would one day become very educated and thus would end their problems. However Mani too tries to end his life by hanging himself from the fan in his college room because he was depressed due to his poor grades resulting from his poor English. Although he had been a bright student but he had not studied in English and so was finding it really hard to grasp the subjects. However Charu, his best friend, and their teacher Alex with the help of Sam, manage to save his life. That's how Sam and Charu stumble upon each other for the first time. All four youngsters - Charu, Sam, Hari and Mani study in the same college and Sam and Hari happen to be roommates too. Sam is a tech geek and he had been trying to develop an app named JARVIS just as the one that the movie Iron Man had, with which he could remotely access someone's cellphone or computer. Sam had recently broken up with his schoolmate Priya but he instantly falls in love with Charu right from their first meeting. Charu too loves him, however a misunderstanding between them results in a severe fight. Charu's posting about it on her social profile takes a nasty turn and Sam feels humiliated, he feels like he was used like a napkin by Charu and was thrown away for some other man (Alex sir). The problem with the youngsters of these days is that instead of moving on after a breakup, they keep holding onto their feelings of anger and bitterment. Sam decides to avenge his humiliation and so discreetly sends a trojan to Charu's cell phone through a photo and when she opens it, the trojan gets installed on her phone. Thus Sam is now able to see and hear all that Charu was doing through her mobile phone.
He starts harassing her by posting inappropriate photographs on the internet and so Charu takes the help of Alex sir and his friend who worked with a detective company.
Meanwhile Hari's wound from the past gets severely scratched when Mani literally rapes him like an animal, just the way his uncle used to do. What was really heartbreaking was that the very act gets uploaded on the internet through Charu's mobile phone. Sam's trojan had caused that to happen. Hari's trust had already got shattered by Mani's act but he goes into further depression when his own family disowns him when he reveals to them that he is gay. That proves as the final nail and he commits suicide.
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